Making friends.
It’s not easy to leave the cave. It can be dark, comfortable, routine. There are...
But I’m not just an author.
“What do you do?” We’ve all been asked this question. Probably dozens if not hundreds...
Have fun but keep it legal.
Fun! When was the last time you did something fun? I can’t tell you about...
Emerging from the Cave by Janet Kitto
You don’t know me. I’ve been living in a cave. A few years ago, I...
Only boring people get bored.
“I’m bored.” If you have teenagers or have spent any time around them, you’ve no...
You’re going the wrong way.
We’d been driving in the wrong direction for at least 15 minutes before I figured...
Don’t collect things. Gather moments.
Things don’t really matter to us. They never have. My mom and my siblings, they...