A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Thank you for reading the latest edition of the Author Podcast Broadcast (APB)! My name is AW Roberson and I write epic adventure fantasy and historical fiction. Additionally, I am a Certified Three Story Method Editor and an active member of The Author Success Mastermind. And in those three things, you have the embodiment of humanity. The innate desire to create. The endearing instinct to serve others. And the recognition of strength in community. You can’t go wrong when you embrace those three things. I know I am a better person for it, to be sure! Enjoy this sampling of resources as you expand your mind and perspectives. And don’t neglect the blessing of being engaged in a community of authors, editors, and consumers of art! Be well and press on.
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
The Manuscript Academy // Episode 156: Storytelling For A Living with Celia Anne Brown

his is a compelling and fun Q&A with avid storyteller, actress, director, and producer Celia Anne Brown. Currently, she finds herself in the role of an Acting Coach and Teacher in Paris, France.
She recounts her experience growing up as a creative and navigating her way through that space of success and failures with grace and appreciation for each lesson learned. During her conversation with the hosts from the Manuscript Academy, she emphasizes the need to engage in a community in order to maximize creativity. This was a lesson that the pandemic has taught her. Additionally, from her humanistic and holistic worldview, she encourages all creatives to cohabitate in the creative space as a means to challenge, grow, and blossom.
Her message to all of us is to be the master of our own ships through authenticity. Be real and be in the moment. Being a creative or not, those are powerful words to live by!
Helping Writers Become Authors // Episode 585: Do You Have to Write Every Day? 10 Pros and Cons

So, here it is. The big question that every writer faces at least once in their career…in truth, way more than once. Should I write every day? Every. Single. Day. In this quick hit from the always personable K.M. Weiland, she offers a candid conversation surrounding this question as she gives her perspective on the pros and cons of writing every day or not writing every day.
This question has been discussed ad nauseam over time and, still, there is no consensus. If you write every day, then you create regularly and have a rhythm to the flow of words that pour through your fingers. However, if you force writing when you simply cannot be creative, you have only succeed in producing gobbledygook that must be edited later. On the other hand, not writing every day allows you to truly engage your story when the inspiration is there…but, the more time that passes between writing may build a massive wall of resistance ultimately leading to your demise as a writer. AUGH! There it is.
Back to the point, we all are different and exist in unique worlds. Why not free yourself to channel your creative energy as it suits you?
AskAlli: Self-Publishing Advice Podcast // Episode 388: Ten Years of Self-Publishing: A Personal Look Back and Forward. Advanced Self-Publishing Podcast With Orna Ross and Joanna Penn

Our wonderful friends at The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) offer another great episode of shared struggles and successes over the past ten years in the self-publishing industry. Also, they look ahead to the unified hope and anticipation for the next ten years to come!
Among the many great discussions in this space, here are few key take aways and solid points to consider. As an independent author, we are responsible for the reader discovering us. Also, we are responsible for the experience that they have once they do. That framework alone reshapes the way we approach our craft. We are not merely producing content for the sake of doing so. But, we can elevate our craft exponentially by embracing the full reader experience. Some powerful self-reflection and adjustments to our business strategy may follow.
Additionally, the two look back in the last 10 years of self-publishing from their own experiences and look ahead at the next 10 years presenting personal goals. This conversation includes fragmented or decentralized access to not only print on demand and e-books, but to audiobooks, AI, and augmented reality. Yes! Augmented reality. Imagine a fan purchasing an AR experience where the author walks through an actual scene in their book while they read to you a chapter from that very book! It certainly is possible. Or, should I say, it certainly is an augmented reality.
The Latest from The Author Life Podcast

This week authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain discuss if word count matters when you’re indie publishing based on readers’ expectations and genre conventions.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
Zero To Travel Podcast // Episode 125: Live Life Now! (w/ Jeff Jenkins from Chubby Diaries)

As much as I enjoy travel and this realm of being a digital nomad, this podcast is quickly becoming one of my preferred listens. Not only are wonderful experiences discussed, but they are shared with wonderful people who engage in humanity and community. As the title suggests, this episode’s guest encourages us all to Live Life Now!
Despite the many obstacles (both internal and external) that he has overcome, Jeff Jenkins faced the resistance and learned to reimagine his life without restrictions. In this way, he discovered new ways to navigate the world and to enjoy a new life of freedom and gratification.
His message to all his fans and followers is to never allow obstacles and resistance to kill your dreams, to stifle creativity, or to suffocate the life inside you. (I think, as writers, we all need this reminder!) It was a powerful moment in his life when he gave himself permission to dream again and to believe that those dreams would come to fruition.
Inside The Author Life
At the end of the day, we still need to put words on paper.

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