A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Thank you for reading the latest edition of the Author Podcast Broadcast (APB)! My name is AW Roberson and I write epic adventure fantasy and historical fiction. Additionally, I am a Certified Three Story Method Editor and an active member of The Author Success Mastermind. And in those three things, you have the embodiment of humanity. The innate desire to create. The endearing instinct to serve others. And the recognition of strength in community. You can’t go wrong when you embrace those three things. I know I am a better person for it, to be sure! Enjoy this sampling of resources as you expand your mind and perspectives. And don’t neglect the blessing of being engaged in a community of authors, editors, and consumers of art! Be well and press on.
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
Writing Pursuits // Episode 20: Interview with Jeff Elkins, The Dialogue Doctor

To begin, let’s start with two wonderful people who are also Certified Three Story Method Editors.
On a recent edition of the Writing Pursuits podcast, host Kathrese McKee interviews Jeff Elkins, a.k.a. The Dialogue Doctor. These are two knowledgeable and enjoyable people to listen to and this episode does not disappoint.
Jeff shares his career and life paths that have led to his current success and, more importantly, to his positive influence through his coaching and writing. He describes the lightbulb moment when he realized that dialogue is at the heart of every great novel that we have come to love and celebrate. Through dialogue, readers connect with and invest in the characters they are reading and cheering for.
Grab a cup of coffee and sit back for a pleasant conversation. You will certainly gain a better understanding for the importance of great dialogue between characters. There is a moment when Kathrese asked that one great question, being the stellar interviewer that she is, and Jeff’s energy and excitement for his craft comes alive! This episode will not disappoint.
The Sell More Books Show // Episode 413 – Mastering Deadlines, Rekindling Creativity, and THAT Kickstarter

This aggregate of questions, topics, and discussions is a great way to engage the indie author life.
Proclaimed Self-Publishing Author Entrepreneurs, Bryan Cohen and H. Claire Taylor host The Sell More Books Show: Book Marketing, Digital Publishing and Kindle News, Tools and Advice where they answer fan questions, discuss current topics, and explore the obstacles that many indie authors face.
In this episode, among other great topics, are a few to highlight here. First, great discussion surrounding the importance of effectively linking back matter of your book to more content helps clarify the proper use of the Call to Action. Many new authors can become overwhelmed with all that self-publishing requires. This minor snippet helps to clarify one of the major oversights that some authors make.
There is a brave moment where the inappropriate and uncomfortable actions toward female authors is brought into the light as a way of acknowledging that society must remain vigilant against such things. One moment I really enjoyed was a history lesson surrounding Books on Tape which I am old enough to have enjoyed many moons ago. Finally, who can ignore that moment when Brandon Sanderson broke the internet!!
Writer’s Routine // Episode 209 – Stacy Willingham, author of ‘A Flicker in the Dark’ – Crime writer talks about switching spaces, learning from work, and being optioned for TV

Want to sit beside your next favorite author and watch their craft at work? Then this podcast will be a delight for you!
Dan Simpson of Writer’s Routine engages each guest with questions directly related to their routine, craft, habits, and more. In this episode, Dan interviews Stacy Willingham as she describes a day in the life of a crime writer. This is a quick episode if you are looking for something to fill a few moments. Still, don’t underestimate the power of a well-craft conversation.
Stacy describes her writing routine which isn’t a routine much at all. Rather, she engages her words when and where they call to her. Her powerful debut novel is being optioned for HBO Max and the two share great excitement over indie authors bursting onto scenes otherwise dominated by traditional publisher space. Stacy also shares how the words of other authors motivate her own writing and author journey.
The Latest from The Author Success Mastermind Podcast
53: Emerging tech – what should authors be doing right now?

This week authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain talk about Web3 technology and NFTs, and how authors can set themselves up for success to use this tech in the book world.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
That Remote Life // Episode 138: The Great Resignation & Why Remote Work is Here to Stay!

Perhaps you have joined the ranks of working from home or you are a full-time author who has blazed this trial for years. Either way, I highly recommend That Remote Life with Mitko Karshovski.
Typically, these episodes are packed with engaging guests sharing exciting challenges and solutions for thriving in the remote working and expat space. With the recent pandemic, the great resignation, and the ever-adapting global landscape of employment, this podcast is timely and intriguing!
This particular episode is a break from the norm for Mitko. He dives into a plethora of articles, experiences, and findings that are relevant to his calling for this podcast. He pauses his regular programming to present the pulse of working remotely, how businesses are adapting (or not), and how people are finding freedom in being a Digital Nomad!
Inside The Author Life
The author life is a tremendous blessing and we have the power to impact the world through our words. With the current events in the Ukraine, we also have the opportunity to raise funds and awareness through many avenues such as the one that Daniel Willcocks is hosting at Activated Authors.

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