A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Greetings, authors. Kathrese McKee here. I help authors write great stories. If you want to know more, listen to my podcast, Writing Pursuits, or find me at WritingPursuits.com.
This week, we harness curiosity to crush writers block, learn tricks for establishing an ensemble cast, and celebrate happy endings.
Find inspiration in these podcast episodes, and as I always say, keep writing!
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
The Writing Coach Podcast with Rebecca L. Weber, WCP181 “Curiouser and Curiouser”

Shifting your mindset from “I don’t know” (a dead end) to “I wonder …” is the perfect way to escape the bonds of writers block.
This episode reminded me of the way children always ask why. Repeatedly.
Authors should recapture their childlike curiosity and follow wherever it leads. Keep asking why. Keep asking what if. Keep wondering how. Keep asking questions, and you will never run out of writing ideas.
Writing Excuses 17.22: Establishing the Ensemble

I love the short format of this program for a drive to town for gas and groceries. In this episode, this group of notable authors discusses how to introduce an ensemble cast. So I am going to quote Howard Tayler’s four-point checklist to get you started:
“I think it’s useful when you’re outlining, and even if you’re not outlining, even if you’re discovery writing your way into this, have a task list that’s like character name, and introduce them, describe them, make us like them, aim them [at the story]. Just four little things where you just have this in front of you so that you know I’m not meandering through their dialogue and their scene.”
Kobo Writing Life Podcast 292 – Unapologetic Happy Endings with Adriana Herrera

Adriana Herrera is a trauma therapist in New York City, working with survivors of domestic and sexual violence. She was born and raised in the Caribbean, but she loves writing stories about people who look and sound like her people getting unapologetic happy endings.
In this episode, Adriana discusses the need for joy in fiction, especially the need to celebrate diversity in romance with advice on how to handle trauma in your stories.
The Latest from The Author Life Podcast

This week authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain discuss J’s experience at ThrillerFest and the pros and cons of attending trad focused events as an indie author.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
Welcome to Night Vale, Episode 207 – Lost: Cat Night Vale, Episode 207 – Lost: Cat

“Lost. Cat. (Cat? Probably a cat.) Last seen hovering 4 feet off the ground in the radio station bathroom. Reward if found. Welcome to Night Vale.”
Welcome to Night Vale is an acquired taste, or perhaps you need refined taste to appreciate this podcast; however, the sly absurdity and macabre scenes in this post-apocalyptic world will make you laugh or shudder while checking over your shoulder. Best audited while driving on a highway across the Nevada desert after dark or you know, anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Welcome to Night Vale celebrated its 10th anniversary on June 15th.
Inside The Author Life
Trying to fit in at the author convention.

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