A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Hey fellow writer! I’m Christine Daigle. I’m excited to share recent podcasts I loved about where publishing may go with writing mediums, social media, and marketing! Currently, I’m co-writing two serials, one sci-fi and one horror, on Kindle Vella under the pen name LP Styles. I think serial fiction is up-and-coming and everyone should try it to see if it’s your thing. Deadlines and readers asking for the next episode are great motivation for those of us who need accountability or struggle with attention and focus like me! Audiences expect at least one 1000–2500 word episode a week. Sounds like a doable commitment, right? I encourage you to check it out and talk to serial fiction authors in The Author Success Mastermind or the Discord and Facebook groups where top serial authors are happy to help you get started!
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
The Writer’s Serial Fiction Show // “Love, War, & Serialized Fiction” by Jessica Erin

JP & I interview Jessica Erin about her top-ranked serial on Kindle Vella; a rom-com poking fun at what goes on behind the scenes for Vella authors. If you’re interested in writing serial fiction, or want to know more about it, we talk about what makes for successful serial fiction and tips for killing it on the Vella platform.
Our Opinions Are Correct // The Internet Is Still Weird, with Vinny Thomas

Sometimes the internet feels like a bubbling cauldron of scum, but it can still make us laugh. Sci-fi/fantasy author Charlie Jane Anders and science journalist Annalee Newitz talk with comedian Vinny Thomas whose video bits skewing science fiction and animal biology are wildly popular on Twitter. This is a light-hearted look at social media that will leave you feeling good and possibly give you some ideas about how to use social media to bring joy and followers!
The Rebel Author Podcast // How to Market a Book in 2022 with Ricardo Fayet

Sacha Black speaks with Reedsy giant Ricardo Fayet about what it takes to successfully market your book in 2022. Ricardo shares his top 3 things everyone should do to market their book, along with smart advertising on a budget on Facebook, Amazon, Bookbub, and more.
The Latest from The Author Success Mastermind Podcast
OUR LATEST EPISODE // 45: Where does a scene start and end?

“This week, authors J Thorn and Crys Cain discuss what a scene is, what a scene isn’t, and how to decide where a scene should start and end.”
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
Hidden Brain // Choose Carefully

Host Shankar Vedantam speaks with psychologist Eric Johnson about “choice architecture”. Discover how we make inadvertent choices, default choices, and choices based on endorsement. Topics covered include how we choose car insurance, college majors, presidents, romantic partners, and to give away our first-born child! Even stranger, how a mentalist isn’t a mind reader but a mind writer. A fantastic non-writing podcast for writers, as it’s easy to extrapolate how choice architecture can apply to constructing consistent characters and marketing.
Inside The Author Life
Hope you’re feeling some sass this week and bringing the confidence as you get down your words!

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Posted in Author Podcast Broadcast