A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Hello. Valerie Ihsan here today.
My podcast picks this week are all about success definitions and mindset. Must have been what I needed to hear.
I’m getting closer to publication day on my Work in Progress. It’s exciting, and while I sometimes wish it could just be done, most days I’m enjoying the process and reveling in #theauthorlife.
What stage are you at in your author journey? Are you working on a book project?
The Three Story Method editors at TheAuthorLife.com would love to help you out. We all have different specialties, so you’ll be sure to find just the right editor or coach for you.
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
Writer Craft Podcast // Ep81: Focus and Productivity

Scattershot and spaghetti on the walls do not get things done. And you’re perpetually in Putting out Fires mode. At the end of the day, answering your emails isn’t nearly as satisfying and productive as writing 500 words in your manuscript, or building another page on your coaching and editing website.
I must choose one thing so that I CAN get the other things done.
I know it’s counter intuitive. Seriously. I know.
Another thing to remember about focus is that it really can prevent burnout. If you can pick out one or two things to focus on for a month (knowing there are those 82 other things from your list taunting you), you can build the self-confidence and self-esteem to start treating yourself with compassion and respect that will enable and empower you to tell yourself, “Yes, I know you are still there Big Fat List, and I’ll get to each and every one of you. But you need to wait in line like everyone else here.”
And that is power.
That is space to breathe without beating yourself up.
That is accomplishing what you set out to do.
That is Focusing and Finishing something.
If you pick one thing at a time to work on, you can’t get burnout or overwhelm, because you’ve only got one thing in front of you right now. Blinders are a beautiful thing.
And why focus is so important to productivity.
The Author Revolution Podcast // Ep146: Do You Have a Vision for Your Author Career?

This episode had a bit of manifestation woo to it, which I rather enjoyed. If that’s not your cup of tea, though, she does talk about becoming more solid in your definition of success, having a growth mindset (and how to do that), and creating a vision for your career’s future—and that it won’t look like someone else’s.
One important point that surprised me? That celebrating our wins will help us see what we’ve accomplished. Sounds “Duh,” right? Except, it’s true. If we don’t celebrate our wins and make a big deal about what we’ve done, we’ll get to the end of the year and think we haven’t done anything and wonder why we aren’t growing. But we are! We’re just maybe not paying attention.
Most of her episodes tend on the Author Mindset side of things, and that’s a refreshing change from the Tips and Tricks I usually hear on podcasts.
Check her out.
Wish I’d Know Then // Ep133: Katlyn Duncan on Rights Revision and YouTube for Authors

I’m an indie publisher, so I didn’t think this episode would hold my interest, but I was wrong.
Katlyn talks about the ins and out of rights revision, how to go about it, what to do with the titles once you have them, what happens if they say No, and her new book: Take Your Book Back. If you are a traditionally published author and are interested in getting your rights back, this is a fabulous episode to listen to.
Katlyn also talks about her YouTube channel, how to get over your insecurities about starting your own channel, being honest on her videos, and how starting her channel helped her grow as a person.
She also talks about her journey as a ghostwriter on UPWORK and Relay Publishing. (Hint: She worked cheap at first to get the five-star ratings.)
The Latest from The Author Life Podcast

This week authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain discuss different ways you can cut the costs of creating a book without sacrificing the quality.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
The VO Heroes Podcast // Are You Judging Your Success Too Early?

We often hear about defining our own version of success. But WHEN do you check in and see if you are successful? The timing matters. For reals.
As we learn things and acquire skills and experience, we sometimes jump the gun on deciding if we’re successful. Don’t put the pressure on yourself at the beginning. It’s hard to wait and acknowledge that we are not successful YET, but if you’re still learning your tools, give yourself a break. And wait it out.
Inside The Author Life
Attitude is Everything. You’ve Got This.

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Posted in Author Podcast Broadcast