A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Greetings, authors. Kathrese McKee here. I help authors write great stories. If you want to know more, listen to my podcast, Writing Pursuits, or find me at WritingPursuits.com.
This week, we discuss creating authentic characters when writing about Native Americans, using dialogue in a scene, and using The Scene Rubric. Also, a bonus, twelve-episode podcast from Dolly Parton and James Patterson.
Find inspiration in these podcast episodes, and as I always say, keep writing!
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
Writing Authentic Characters (The Self Publishing Show, episode 338)

James Blatch interviews writer and member of the Choctaw Nation, Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer, about cultural sensitivity when writing about Native Americans, including issues around dialogue and stereotypes on The Self Publishing Show, via podcast and on YouTube.
Episode 103 – Roland Denzel and Using Dialogue in a Scene

Roland Denzel and Jeff Elkins, aka “The Dialogue Doctor,” look at a piece together and discuss getting rid of summaries, building bridges to the reader’s imaginations, and the different parts of dialogue. Together they get deep into how to use dialogue to get the results you want out of your writing.
E03 – The Scene Rubric from the Revision Wizards podcast

Miss Catherine M. H. and V.E. Griffith discuss The Scene Rubric and how it can empower authors to assess their own work for strengths and weakness. This is a brand new podcast, so give it a listen and follow the show.
The Latest from The Author Life Podcast

This week authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain discuss what drives them, and how that has changed throughout their publishing career.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
Bookcast 1: Big Dreams and Faded Jeans

James Patterson and Dolly Parton team up to promote their book, Run, Rose, Run and the accompanying album. In each of the 12 episodes, a song from the album is featured along with a short except. In Bookcast 1, they feature the song “Big Dreams and Faded Jeans” that goes with Chapter 32.
Technically, this limited time podcast is not supposed to be about writing, but in this case, I think we can say it is about book marketing. Each episode is tightly produced and super short, from four minutes to thirteen minutes in length. Easy to listen to, the podcast was released in the week’s and days ahead of the book’s release on March 7, 2022.
Inside The Author Life
That look you get when a non-writer tells you their story idea.

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Posted in Author Podcast Broadcast