A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Hi writers. I’m Cathy Peper. I like to listen to podcasts while walking around my neighborhood and am happy to share what I learn. I write paranormal suspense, and time travel and regency romance.
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
Writers, Ink // Keeping Yourself Going with NYT Bestseller Wendy Corsi Staub

J. Thorn interviews Wendy Corsi Staub about her new book, “The Other Family.” Wendy has written almost 100 books over several series, but still loves the thrill of creating new stories. A teacher encouraged her to write after she submitted an essay about Abraham Lincoln in third grade. She is a discovery writer, who enjoys figuring things out as she goes. In addition to her novels, she has written screen plays with her son and husband. After the interview, J Thorn, J. D. Barker and Zach Bohannon highlight their takeaways from the episode.
The Self Publishing Show // 313: Romance: Understanding your Sub-Genre with Victorine Lieske

James Blatch interviews romance author Victorine Lieske. She started writing when she was laid up with a back injury. She then spent the next four years revising it with the help of a critique group. She self published the book and it did very well, so she wrote another book of her heart. This one was science fiction and it didn’t sell as well. So she researched the market and decided to concentrate on sweet romance.
Victorine talks about some of the differences between the various romance genres and reader expectations. She has written sweet romance, romantic suspense, paranormal romance and young adult romance. She talks about her process and the YouTube channel she does with some other writers, The Writing Gals.
Grammar Girl // Why “Tiny” Sounds Smaller Than “Huge.” Nixing the Horrid “Of.”

Mignon Fogarty discusses the interesting phenomenon of how words for big and little things can sound similar across different languages. One theory has to do with whether the words use “e” and “a” sounds (Tiny) versus “o” and “u” sounds (huge). She also talks about editing your work to reduce the number of times you say “of” (Wow, I just said it.) “Of” is not always a bad word, but sometime the sentence can be rewritten to be more active.
The Latest from The Author Success Mastermind Podcast
OUR LATEST EPISODE // 46: How do you manage a pen name?

This week, authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain discuss why you might want a pen name and how to manage it.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
The Model Health Show // 548 How to Improve your Metabolic Fitness with Dr. Casey Means

Shawn Stevenson interviews Dr. Casey Means about things to do to improve your blood sugar level. Dr. Casey recommends reducing your consumption of processed foods and eating as many whole foods as possible. She stresses that not everyone is the same and a food that works fine for one person, might be a problem for another person. Stress and lack of sleep can also increase blood sugar.
Inside The Author Life
As writers, I think we have all done this.

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