
The Petal to the Metal Episode 23: BONUS EPISODE – Rachael’s Essay on Rest

BONUS! Special thanks to Rachael for sharing her audio essay on The Petal to the...

The Petal to the Metal Episode 22: How do you prevent finishing a book from taking over your life?

Shout out to Eli for supplying this week’s question about being overwhelmed at the end...

The Petal to the Metal Episode 21: BOOK CLUB – Talking about Rest

Time for some Rest! Rachael and J. talk about the book and how they have...

The Petal to the Metal Episode 20: What business expense do you regret?

Rachael poses a “business” question to J. and then they discuss money spent that may...

The Petal to the Metal Episode 19: How do you end things gracefully?

As fans of “ghosting” and with a loathing for goodbyes, J. asks Rachael how to...

The Petal to the Metal Episode 18: Do you feel guilty about being a full-time writer?

Zach forces his way onto the show yet again, after sending an audio file to...