A curated collection of the latest and most interesting podcast episodes about the author life.
Greetings! Zach Bohannon here. I’m the bestselling author of several post-apocalyptic science fiction series, and also the co-author and co-creator of Three Story Method. I work as a freelance editor and book coach, with services including line editing, Three Story Method Diagnostics, book launch help, and 1-on-1 mentoring. Along with J. Thorn and J.D. Barker, I’m the co-host of Writers, Ink Podcast, as well as the host and founder of the Creator Dad Podcast. Enjoy this roundup of some of my favorite recent podcasts!
Top 3 Must-Listen Episodes
Creator Dad Podcast // Feb 15 Episode – Staying True to Yourself with Chad Lutzke

On this recent episode of the Creator Dad Podcast, I sat down with my friend Chad Lutzke to discuss a range of topics. Chad is a fantastic writer and someone I’ve been friends with since 2015. We talk about Chad’s desire to write what he wants and bucking trends, though he knows he would make more money if he would take the often touted advice of writing in a series and writing to market. We also chatted about how difficult it is raising a kid in the age of social media and technology, and Chad was open about his experience with that, which I really appreciate.
Near the end of the episode, Chad and I discussed censorship and books, and question whether trigger warnings really work. It’s a controversial topic for sure, but I think one writers will appreciate. This is one of the most raw and open episodes of Creator Dad I’ve recorded to date.
Next Level Authors // Episode 99 – What is Your Relationship with Romance?

Dan and Sacha have such a great dynamic together, and one of the things I like most about them is their transparency. Neither are ever afraid to give their own experiences on what the Author Life is really about. This episode is no different when Sacha poses the question to Dan: What is your relationship with romance?
Even though the question caught Daniel off guard and you could hear the discomfort in his voice, he answered the question openly and honestly. I chatted with Dan and Sacha on separate episodes of Creator Dad where they each opened up about their personal relationships, and this conversation felt like an extension of that.
From a writing perspective, they also went in-depth on how they use and perceive romance in their own writing. Even if you aren’t writing romance, most stories are going to have some form of relationship building and romance, so this is a great listen no matter what genre you write.
Writers, Ink // Episode 124 – February 2022 Q&A

In our monthly Q&A episode on Writers, Ink, J., J.D., and I answered several great questions from our Patrons. We talk about how we manage our revenue and author bank accounts (no, we aren’t accountants and this is not financial or tax advice). I talk about the importance of having multiple revenue streams.
A listener asked about how we structure our days, and we talk about time-blocking and the importance of getting your primary work (hint: writing) done first. I talk about how I’ve managed to up my productivity lately with highly focused time blocks.
We also talk about the importance of an author website in 2022, which is perfect timing with J. doing a lot of work behind the scenes building his brand.
The Latest from The Author Success Mastermind Podcast
OUR LATEST EPISODE // 52: A year in review

This week authors J. Thorn and Crys Cain answer questions from their listeners to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the podcast.
The Wildcard: Interesting Episode from a Non-Writing Related Show
The Minimalists // Episode 327 – THIS

This (no pun intended) was one of my favorite podcasts I’ve listened to in a while. If you’re a member of their Patreon community, you’ll get access to the private, Maximal version of this show, which goes much deeper. But Josh and Ryan talked to Michael Gungor, a former worship leader and Christian music recording artist who walked away from the Christian music industry and everything he’d built in it when his personal beliefs shifted. As someone who has gone through a transformation and shift in my own person beliefs, not only religion but many things, over the past several years, this was such an honest and transparent conversation. It took a lot of courage for Michael to give up the career he’d built to hold true to his values, and I highly recommend listening to this episode, and to the Patreon exclusive version if you can.
Inside The Author Life
March is Women’s History Month! Read a book by your favorite female author, or a biography or memoir of a woman who kicks ass!

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Posted in Author Podcast Broadcast